"If you want to succeed you should strike out on new paths, rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success."



When at the end of the 2017 year, the TDWilliamson company limited their activity in Poland to the exclusive sale of their products - we decided to use what we had been able to do best for last 25 years, developing the technology which we have dealt for over a quarter of a century, employing people who were perfectly qualified with appropriate certificates obtained directly from TDWilliamson and definitely focus on the second pillar, i.e. modern, comprehensive gas pipeline diagnostics (ILI – in-line inspection) in cooperation with leading global companies.

In January 2018, we made an important decision to open the company TSG Brudnik Sp. z o.o. There were three of us: Paweł Rogacki, who is experienced with in-line inspection in gas pipelines, Maciej Jernas, who knows TDW technique and technology very well, and Sławomir Brudnik, who dared to run this company.

We have to say that after three years of our activity, the company T.D.Williamson Inc., closing their branch in Poland – offered to our company, TSG Brudnik Sp z o.o. - taking the place of TDW Polska - by signing the Channel Partner agreement with us, as the solely TDW direct partner in Poland! We are continuing their previous activity and now we are the exclusive distributor of TDW machines, tools, products and services. We treat it as a distinction that we are proud of, also as an opportunity to cooperate with global partners and a chance to learn about and absorb new technologies. We carry out our tasks on a daily basis based on our own experience, resources and equipment.

Source: T.D. Williamson (https://www.tdwilliamson.com/)


Undoubtedly, we are on the mend as we had assumed. We have completed and we are implementing projects on the field of integrated gas pipeline diagnostics and reconstruction as well, repairs and expansion of gas pipelines using the T.D.Williamson technology. We believe that despite all market issues, and other perturbations, we finally handled the adversities, achieving a good result, gained the recognition of contractors and consolidated our strong position on the Polish gas market.

On August 4, 2021, TSG Brudnik became the solely official representative, Channel Partner of T.D Williamson srl Nivelles, Belgium!

And some statistics to illustrate our most important achievements in 2018-2020

We had the honor of preparing this part of the great diameter pipeline ring in southern Poland, to prepare it for operation after its construction, to gasified it, start it up and hand it over to our largest client (commissioned) - the company Gaz System SA. We worked in difficult winter conditions and during the holiday season, but thanks to the understanding of the Gaz System SA Management, colleagues, cooperation and help - we achieved our goal!
We have performed an inspection and handed over to the client (mainly Gaz System SA) precise diagnostics reports covering all relevant technical data of the gas pipeline, its current location, route and of course, weak points. We do not mention here the number of runs and the number of pigs used to clean the pipeline and prepare line for inspection and diagnostics with geometric and MFL pigs.
200 new pipeline re-construction utilizing TDW technology - necessary for the construction of highways, expressways and other connections in the city infrastructure without shutting down the supply of valueble fuel to consumers and above all with minimal methane emissions to the atmosphere.


- undoubtedly, on a daily basis, we do what we know best and in which we have over twenty-five years of experience, i.e. all switching works on active steel pipelines, mainly transporting natural gas, but not only;

- to achieve this goal, we are maintaining and constantly expanding our stationary warehouse of steel fittings by T.D.Williamson in the diameter range from 2 "- 20", in order to be able to professionally respond to the needs and meet customer expectations in the shortest possible time;

- we are constantly developing the second pillar of our activity, i.e. diagnostics of steel pipelines. We cooperate and use the experience of the most important suppliers of MFL technology, We also participate the tenders for in-line inspection selected the technology chosen by the customer;

- thanks to the vast experience gathered in previous years - we offer preparation of assumptions, documentation, logistics and professional conduct of each project using TDW technology or in-line inspection in cooperation with the Customer;

- we are experienced consultants in the matters of interpreting the in-line inspection reports in terms of quality, durability and operation time assessment (e.g. for insurance companies). And also, on the basis of above analyzes, ready to perform a comprehensive repair or choose the best technology for the renovation of the tested pipeline;

- we participate in tenders for the so-called technical commissioning of newly built gas pipelines, mainly large-size (DN 700, DN 1000). We have gained a lot of experience in this area. Without false modesty, we can be considered leaders due to the fact that all DN1000 gas pipelines built in Poland have been commissioned and put into operation by us;

- due to the application of the European Directive on the drastic limitation of uncontrolled methane emissions to the atmosphere, we offer, in cooperation with the Slovak company SEPS, gas pumping: one-stage with one compressor (up to 7 bar) and two-stage (up to 0.01 bar) with two compressors. At the current wholesale prices of natural gas, the use of this technology may account for 30-50% of the price of the volume of gas released into the atmosphere, and also, and perhaps above all, avoiding this huge, irretrievable loss of valuable gas fuel. This technology is also an immeasurable activity for the protection of the natural environment on Earth;

- we can offer a wide set of gas balloons of the German company Städtler & Beck, proven and appreciated on our market;

What we intend to do tomorrow

- Regarding we became of Chanell Partner of T.D.Williamson Inc., we fully take over the implementation and intentions of the current TDW program in Poland. We are TDW showcase and visit card on the Polish market with all rights, but also obligations to meet the standards, market position and business ethics. We want to remain a leadership position in supply of TDW technology, materials and fittings to the Polish market, and also, thanks to the business and commercial relationship with T.D.Williamson Inc. – become a supplier of new solutions and a contractor of non-standard technologies on non-standard pipe diameters;

- in this spirit and with the support of the TDW corporation, we would like to start a solid and professional analysis with customers and preparation of projects for the reconstruction of gas pipelines not adapted for standard pigs , i.e. currently not equipped with lounching / receiving traps, having segmentic bends, outdated and inoperative valves. Thanks to the above-mentioned contacts and support as well as the possibility of exchanging experiences with European and American companies - we have here to offer many new, not widely known on the Polish market, technical solutions enabling the reconstruction and modernization of these lines into modern, fully equipped pipelines adapted to modern diagnostics and control;

- in the near future, we want to introduce a new product from T.D.Williamson Inc. to the Polish market. - ProStopp ™ DS Isolation Tool. It will be a completely new generation of devices and technologies that enable work under pressure to be performed without shutting down the pipeline in the ranges from 4 - 12 ”(100 - 300 mm) for pressures up to 16 bar - that is what distribution companies need the most. These devices guarantee tight isolation of the gas pipeline section, cut-off pressure in any place of the pipeline or the performance of any connection works. In early spring this 2022, if epidemiological conditions allow, we would like very soon to present this technology in all gas plants in Poland

Source: T.D. Williamson (https://www.tdwilliamson.com/)

- based on the experience of cooperation between T.D.Williamson - we will continue to offer work with the use of the new generation POLYSTOP devices, also for diameters of 315 and 355 mm

- also in 2022 year, we would like to comprehensively and widely familiarize Polish customers with the products of the ‘Plidco‘ company. A manufacturer of steel repair ties for steel gas pipelines, leaking fittings, damaged tees, corroded sections of pipelines;

- this year we are back to offering high-quality, proven carbon fiber bands on the Polish market - Res-Q-Wrap;

We were, we are and we want to be recognized on the market as a proven, reliable, safe and ethical company with international contacts.

We invite you to cooperation.


TSG Brudnik Sp. z o. o. realizuje projekt dofinansowany z Funduszy Europejskich
- „System monitorowania i diagnostyki gazociągów przy użyciu technologii GPR (georadarowej)”

w ramach PROGRAMU OPERACYJNEGO Inteligentny Rozwój
oś priorytetowa 2 Wsparcie otoczenia i potencjału przedsiębiorstw do prowadzenia działalności B+R+I
działanie 2.3 Proinnowacyjne usługi dla przedsiębiorstw
poddziałanie 2.3.2 Bony na innowacje dla MŚP
Celem projektu jest zastosowanie techniki georadarowej do diagnozowania sieci rurociągów gazowych
i ewentualne podjęcia decyzji o działaniach naprawczych, konserwatorskich lub serwisowych.
Efektem projektu jest zastosowanie technologii GPR w diagnostyce gazociągów w procesie badania łuków, gięć i lokalizacji położenia rurociągów.

Wartość projektu: 337 020 PLN
Dofinansowanie projektu z UE: 232 900 PLN